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Our Story

Well, here we go.

So many stories, but not sure what to tell so I am just going straight to the point. We have over 100 years of history and we are still working hard to make sure that the service that we provide meets the satisfaction level. 


Imagine this, we have such a good service that people are willing to travel from far away to taste what it is called “legendary” because it truly is! We are very confident that you will say the same too!


First store is open!

First store is open in 1990 at New York, NY. During the first month of business, we attract over 10 thousands of diners! 


100+ stores worldwide!

We grow so fast and we have over 100+ stores open in all across the world!


1000+ stores in US!

We have made it even during pandemic! We are so proud and want to share the happiness with you all!

Online Order

Order your food online is fast, secure and reliable. Place your order now!